Delay in logistics due to deficit…
Nearly half of the Dutch-based importing and exporting companies anticipate delays in their flow of goods due to an increase in the number of customs declarations and a shortage of brokers, the customs specialists at companies. Especially the brexit will have a big impact, this is evident from Evofenedex ‘s: 'Research Declarant 2018'.
Evofenedex’s research shows that 60% of the brokers/declarants believe that a large part of the expected increase in the number of import and export declarations is caused by new customs procedures after the exit of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU). An increase in the number of customers and more declarations for existing customers will also contribute to the growth of the total number of customs declarations. At the same time, almost half of the companies expect a shortage of well-trained declarants.
Only 21% of the interviewed companies think they are well prepared for the Brexit. It is striking that the consequences of the Brexit for the Dutch economy are assessed more negatively by the declarants than the consequences for the company itself. One out of five brokers expects the Brexit to have a positive effect on the company. These are mainly freight forwarders and logistics service providers. Shippers are much more negative about the impact of the Brexit on their business.
Bart Jan Koopman, director Evofenedex talked with “Business News Radio” about the coming challenges. "Also 35,000 companies that do not have any involvement with Customs now, have to fulfill customs formalities after the Brexit. In principle, companies can arrange this themselves and it is wise to organize this now. Those who are waiting for clarity on which Brexit scenario is emerging from the negotiations between the EU and the UK may no longer have sufficient time. If companies quickly apply for the necessary permits and registrations at Customs and rush to train staff to declare, the deadline may still be feasible. Evofenedex will soon start two pilots with the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency) to match jobseekers with companies and to train them as a declarant. Companies that prefer to outsource customs formalities must search for a service provider as quickly as possible.”
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Source: Evofenedex